5 Tips on How to Get a Good Night's Rest

1.Reduce Blue Light- Try staying away from any blue light source such as your phone, computer laptop, etc. Blue light may have an impact on your circadian rhythm and may affect your overall sleeping patterns.

2.Do Not Disturb- Two hours before heading to bed, set your phone to the do not disturb option. This will allow you to get your beauty sleep with no wild interruptions or distractions.

3. Try Aromatherapy- Try dropping one or two drops of lavender on your pillow before laying down to help relax and reduce stress. 

4.Avoid Caffeinated Drinks- Try avoiding caffeinated drinks in the evening; this may include caffeinated coffee, tea, and sports drinks.

5. No Extreme Exercise- Don't get too excited, daily exercise is always recommended, but studies do show that aerobic exercise right before going to bed may not be the best practice when looking for a good night's rest. Instead, try meditation or yoga to ease the mind and get into a relaxed state of body, mind, and spirit.
