Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday Tips

PNP wants you to have an amazing and healthy holiday season, to make this year a little healthier follow the tips down below. Happy Thanksgiving!

1. Get Active

Try working out by yourself or with the family before and after thanksgiving to shed off those extra calories you may have enjoyed during the holiday season. If you find yourself to busy to go to the gym, try looking for indoor youtube workouts or enjoy a fun day at the park with your kids.

2. Skip the Seconds

Try to resist the temptation for going back for an extra serving of dinner. If you can’t resist, that's okay, try skipping dessert.

3. Choose a healthier recipe

Find healthier recipes online for those unhealthy foods; we have to have on our Thanksgiving table. Try making a no sugar added pumpkin pie or try replacing ingredients such as sugar with spices and add herbs to add flavor instead of salt. Also, don’t forget to add a salad and freshly baked veggies to your thanksgiving menu.

4. Choose correct portion Sizes

Before you fill your plate, look at the buffet table, and decide what you’re going to choose. Then select reasonable-sized portions of foods you cannot live without.

Don’t waste your calories on foods that you can have all year long. Fill your plate with small portions of holiday favorites that only come around once a year so you can enjoy desirable, traditional foods.

5. Go easy on the alcohol

Calories from sugar added beverages and alcohol can add up quickly. Have one glass of your favorite drink and stay hydrated throughout the night with water. This will help you avoid those extra calories and keep you hydrated to be able to dance the night away.

6. Savor every bite

Make sure to eat slowly and savor every bite. This will help you feel more satisfied with one plate of food, and you’ll enjoy your dinner much more.
