5 Ways to Distress During Uncertain Times

Number One Stay positive. Laughter has been found to help improve mood, lower levels of stress hormones, and reduce chronic inflammation.

Number Two Meditate. The practice of meditation and deep breathing has been shown to reduce heart disease and improve blood pressure levels. Meditation can also help you relax and unwind after a busy day helping you refocus and reenergize.

 Number Three Exercise.  Exercising produces endorphins a chemical known as your mood-boosting or feel-good hormone. Try walking, jogging, or doing an in home work out.

Number Four Unplug. Try avoiding television, using your phone and social media for at least 30 minutes a day. This can easily provide you with a well-deserved break.

Number Five Find ways to destress. Self-care is essential, find things you can do for yourself, such as taking a warm bath, listening to music, or spending time on a favorite hobby.

Reference: https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/5-ways-to-de-stress-and-help-your-heart