Yoga and Aging

Another good form of physical activity is yoga. Getting older can take a huge toll on the body so why not slow the process down and facilitate the aging process with some yoga? Yoga can give us a healthier mind as well as improving strength, flexibility, agility, and balance. 

Strength/Balance: When we age, our balance gets worse over time, and we can fall and get hurt. With yoga, there are poses that help with balance and will strengthen those leg muscles. Bone density will improve and there will be less risk of developing osteoporosis. You will also feel more confident as you won't be afraid of falling. 

Agility: This aspect will help with coordination and being able to move around. When a situation occurs you will be able to move with ease and feel in control. 

Flexibility: As we age, our joints become more stiff. This will help you strengthen your muscles in an effective way as well as reducing the risk of muscle injury. 

There are tons of yoga videos online if you do not want to go take a class. Start with the beginner videos and work your way up. 
