New Year, New Me

No matter what your age, it's never too late to start making changes towards a healthier life. Now is the perfect time with the new year right around the corner! It should be your main goal to become and stay healthy for the years to come. Here are some new year resolutions you could be thinking about.

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. You should be having 5 servings each day and remember to be eating the rainbow. Eat more whole grains and fish while reducing the fatty meats in your diet such as chicken and turkey. Stick to consuming 2 servings daily of low fat dairy and use healthier fats in your meals!
  • Be active! Exercising daily can make your bones stronger, improve your balance, and help maintain your weight. Doing water aerobics, stretching daily, and going for walks is a good way to get in your exercise. You will be more motivated and held accountable if you do these activities with a friend! 
  • Make an effort to go to the doctor and get your annual checkups. It's important to get your health screenings regularly and get the immunizations that you need each year. 
  • Work out your brain! Do more activities to get your mind thinking. If you usually stay at home everyday, push yourself to get out of the house and go to your community center. Socializing can help in so many ways. 
  • Stop smoking. Smoking can cause a plethora of health issues and it's not too late to quit. 
  • Take a multivitamin. Make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. 
  • Get enough sleep. With age comes less sleep. Try to cut out the day time naps so you can get a longer nights sleep. It is recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night. With more sleep you will be more alert and have more energy.
