Fall Prevention

Did you know that 1 out of 3 seniors will fall. It is the number one cause of injuries in adults and most people seem to overlook it. Falling is a serious injury and should not be taken lightly. Falling can cause cuts, hip fractures, and brain injuries that could lead to death. Sometimes when someone falls it might not be that serious but it could still hinder the senior as they may be afraid in the future. 

Think about a loved one that is older, or even yourself, and the living conditions. Is the house safe? Are there slippery floors, electrical cords on the ground, stairs, or clutter everywhere? It is hard to control every aspect as you don't know what could happen but prevention can go a long way.

  • Make sure the house is nice and clean. Take away all the clutter that is on the ground and move it out of the way.
  • If there is any loose carpet or rugs in the home secure them down. If they can't be fixed just remove them. 
  • Put handrails on stairs, in the showers, and by toilets so there is something to grab onto. 
  • Make sure there is enough light throughout the house. Especially at night put night lights in places like the bathroom or kitchen.
  • Wear shoes while inside the house. This may seem silly because you are at home but there will be a better grip when walking around. Non-slip socks are even an option.
  • Wear pants that are fitting and not baggy. If they aren't fitted properly, tripping on them is likely to happen. 

Source: https://www.everydayhealth.com