Stimulate the Brain


With age, one's cognitive skills and abilities might decline. Just like we take care of our body by getting the proper nutrition and exercise, our brain needs mental exercise in order to stay active and alive. This might not seem important but our brain is the master control center and it needs to stay alert! By exercising the brain, we will have better reasoning skills, memory, and be able to process information at a higher speed. So lets jump into some cognitive activities to get you on the right track. 

Cognitive activities are not like homework. They are something that is fun and can be done with other people. This includes arts and crafts, playing board games, and solving puzzles. Think about your interests and hobbies or about something you once enjoyed. Maybe it was drawing, writing, painting, knitting, woodworking, or scrapbooking. Now is the perfect time to get back into those activities and stimulate the brain! 

Another important thing is having conversation with others. Just talk. Simple as that. When we age, isolation and depression is a serious issue. By interacting with family and friends you will feel better and your mind will be nourished. 

Make sure you use your brain, before you lose it. 
