Everyone dreads going to the doctor but it's better to take preventative measures now to avoid any serious problems down the road. According to the CDC, 7 out of 10 American deaths are from chronic diseases. This can be prevented if people take action towards their health. It's all about stopping the disease or illness before it starts. So now is the perfect time to get all of your health screenings done.
Here is a list of what you should check up on.
Blood Pressure: This should be done every year.
Cholesterol: Every 5 years, unless you have other conditions where this needs to be monitored more regularly.
Colon Cancer Screening: Tested up until you are the age of 75.
Diabetes: Every 3 years.
Mammograms: Every 1 to 2 years.
Osteoporosis: Get a bone density test for women over 65.
Immunizations: Get a flu shot every year, a pneumococcal vaccine if you have never had one, and a tetanus booster every 10 years.
Eye Exam: Every 1 to 2 years.
Hearing Exam: Get a hearing test if you are experiencing hearing loss symptoms.
Dental Exam: Get an exam and cleaning every 6 months.
The first thing you can do is to get a physical. From there, you can set up the appointments that you need as soon as possible. You will feel much better after getting these done and it's better to get things checked now so you can prevent the disease before it escalates.
Sources: https://healthyaging.net