Detoxing After Thanksgiving

With all the yummy foods during Thanksgiving it's hard to keep our digestive system on track. There are some ways to help our digestion and eating habits during this time though. With all the yummy foods at our finger tips we need to find ways to get rid of those extra calories.

The best way to do this is exercise! Go for a walk after eating a big meal. If you have family over, walk around outside with your grandkids to aid digestion. Any type of movement will help you. After Thanksgiving, don't continue these eating habits. Get back to a well balanced diet and continue eating in moderation. Drink lots of water and add more fruits and vegetables to your plate. One thing you can do to help gut bacteria is get yourself on a Probiotic. This will improve your digestive function greatly. With the holidays here, that doesn't mean you can't eat the foods you love the most. Just take into consideration your portion sizes and the calories. We are all allowed to have our cheat days, just don't make it everyday! 
