Adding Exercise To Your Daily Routine

Most of the time when we here the word exercise we aren't excited. We think of things like running or going to the gym, which for most people isn't fun. But we tend to forget that there are so many more other options out there that aren't as aggressive. I'm going to give you some ideas for exercising that will keep you engaged and motivated. 

Some general activities include walking, dancing, weightlifting, or using light gym equipment. There are water activities where you can do some light treading of water, paddle boarding, kayaking, or canoeing. Get a buddy to tag along to make the experience that much better! Even fishing or hunting is a form of physical activity. Go outdoors and move around. Doing cleaning around the house (not many people enjoy this part) can be good physical activity. Sweeping, vacuuming, mowing the lawn, or washing your car is all ways you can get some exercise in.

There are so many options for physical activity! You just have to be creative and put in the effort. The more you move the healthier you will be. :) 


Welcoming 2018

With 2018 right around the corner it's time to start thinking about those new year resolutions. Most people always say they are going to make changes to their life but usually have a hard time following through. I'm going to give you some tips on how you can make your goals actually come to life.

The first thing you should do is think about a few things you want to achieve. After figuring out your top goals write them down on a piece of paper and put this somewhere you can see it everyday. This way you will be reminded and motivated to make those changes. If one of your resolutions is to be less lazy you could write, "I will exercise each day for 15-30 minutes." It's important to write your goals in a positive way.  It's also better to have specific goals. If you would have written, "I will exercise each day", then you are more likely to get off track. You have to keep in mind that your goals should be reasonable. If they are too hard and far out of reach you will just be set up for failure and will not want to try again. Don't forget about your schedule and what you will be able to accomplish.  Develop a time line and deadlines for yourself. We like to see progress so checking things off as you go and finishing your tasks will keep you motivated. 

Remember, don't give up on yourself. If you need some encouragement talk to friends and family. Having a support system can go a long way. Make sure you reward yourself from time to time. Making changes isn't easy, so you should be proud of yourself no matter what! 


Staying Healthy During The Holiday's

With Christmas right around the corner, stress levels tend to increase. While trying to finish all your holiday shopping and preparing food for the big day, stress is inevitable. Being on the go 24/7 your immune system will start to slow down. Even though this is a busy time, it's important to take care of yourself. 

Make sure to still be getting 30 minutes of exercise each day. This one might be easy especially if you are out and about doing stuff. The best way to get some physical activity is going for a walk. The holiday's usually mean yummy, fattening foods. If you are going to a party, try to eat a healthy snack before you leave so you aren't as tempted when you get there. If you do find yourself eating those unhealthy items, keep your portion sizes smaller. You could even make something healthy and bring it to the party. Just watch your sugar intake this season! Also, if you know you are going to be eating a lot for dinner try to have a light lunch. Don't skip meals just so you can save room. Have a little something before hand, this way, you won't overeat.

If you are feeling stressed, take a break. I know there is a lot to do and there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day but it will all work out. It usually does, right? :) Enjoy this time with your family!
