Walk This Way

With the weather cooling down and Thanksgiving being last week, this is the perfect time to start walking. Most people don't think of walking as exercise but it can really go a long way. Plus it is super simple. All you need is a pair of good tennis shoes. Walking can lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes. This simple activity has so many great health benefits, so why don't you start now?

The best time to walk is early in the morning or later on in the evening. Choose the cooler parts of the day so you are comfortable. It's even good to walk after eating a meal as it will aid digestion. If you don't exercise on a regular basis start small, like I've said before. Begin with 10-15 minutes, walk around the block and over time, increase this. Once you get in the routine of walking and get in better shape it will become a walk in the park...literally. 

If your schedule is too busy during the day to fit in a walk you can split it up. Do 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes when you get home from work. It's not a lot of time out of your day. One thing you can do is when you go somewhere, park farther away. This will increase the amount of steps you are getting. Also, be aware if you are taking elevators or using the stairs. Which one do you think is the better option?

Another good idea is walking with a buddy, Find someone who has similar goals and wants to be healthy. This will make your walks more enjoyable and time will go by faster. It will also hold you accountable! 


Source: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/

The Time Of Overeating

With Thanksgiving this week, it's important to be aware that this is the time of overeating. With all the delicious food it's hard to do any type of dieting during this time. But there is still a way to enjoy these foods in a healthy way and in moderation. 

Most people on Thanksgiving skip breakfast because they are "saving room" for the big meal. This seems like a smart idea but in hindsight this isn't good as you will be eating more and having too many calories. It's best to have a light breakfast before so you will eat in moderation later on. Plus, do you really want to be starving all day before you eat which probably won't be until the late afternoon? I wouldn't. Do your body a favor and have some protein and fiber early in the day.

Some people also tend to wear baggy clothing during this day so they can't tell when they are full. One trick is to wear tighter clothing to signal that you had enough to eat. I know when my clothes are snug after eating, that means it's time for me to give it a rest. This way I don't overeat. 

This holiday is meant for enjoying time with the one's you love. Instead of eating super fast take your time and mingle while you are munching on a few of your favorite foods. Be sure to limit your portion sizes. If you are still hungry later on help yourself to more. Also, eating smaller portion sizes will help you save room for dessert. You don't want to be full from overeating and not be able to enjoy your favorite treats. Take into consideration though that you should eat these desserts in moderation. 

Even though it is hard to stay on track during the holidays it is possible to maintain your weight. Just keep in mind these little tricks and you may feel much better about yourself after eating all the yummy foods!

Source: https://www.huffingtonpost.com

Focus On The Now

Last week we talked about ways to manage stress and this week we will be talking about mindful meditation! Have you ever just taken a few moments for yourself and tried to relax in your hectic day? Well, mindful meditation is a perfect way to loosen up and relieve the stress in your life. The whole point is to focus on the present moment. Try not to let your mind wander to the past or future, but if it does just bring it back to the now. 

When you want to meditate, make sure to find a peaceful place where noise will not distract you. You don't have to do this for long periods of time, just take about 10 minutes here and there to help you get relaxed. Make sure you are comfortable the whole time. It's up to you whether or not you would like to sit in a chair or on the floor or lay down. The first thing you should do is pay attention to your breathing. This will help you stay concentrated and will stop your mind from wandering. During this session different feelings may come about and it's important to notice those feelings and then bring yourself back to your breathing. 

The goal of meditation is to help you focus on the present and what is happening right in front of you instead of worrying about things that are out of your control. 

Source: https://www.webmd.com