Stress Management

Stress is among us everyday. It's something we can't avoid and it's pretty much normal for us. In this moment can you think of one thing you are stressed out about? I'm sure you can. Probably multiple things in fact. We deal with one thing and then there seems to always be something else right around the corner. Even though we can't fully get rid of all the stress we have, there are effective ways we can manage it so we are not hurting our well being. 

One thing you can do is keep a stress journal. Yes, this may seem silly and you are probably thinking I don't have time for this but if it could help why not give it a shot. Whenever you feel as if you are stressed write down the reason for it. After awhile, you will notice patterns and figure out what the main issue is. Now if you don't want to write in a journal, you can just make quick notes in your phone and anywhere else so you can refer back to it later on.

When you are stressed what do you do? Smoke, drink, withdrawal from society, sleep too much, or procrastinate? I know I usually procrastinate because I want to avoid facing the problem. Most everyone takes on these unhealthy habits. Instead, find activities that will keep you calm and increase your emotional and physical health. One huge stress reliever is getting exercise. It will make you feel better and could even act as a distraction. 

Also, when you are stressed one of the best things you can do is connect with others. I know when I am feeling stressed I enjoy spending time with friends. It's a way to get your mind off things and laugh with people around you. You can also talk to friends about what's going on and they can be there to listen or give you advice. 

With everything going on in your life make sure to take time for yourself and have some fun!


The Buddy System

Social support can play such a huge role in losing weight. Having a buddy while trying to achieve your goals will keep you accountable and motivated. And who wouldn't want their own cheerleader? Also, having someone who has the same goals as you will help keep you on track. 

Each person should devote time and energy during this process. The most important thing is being able to support one another and being available. Contact should be in person, as it is most effective this way, but also being there through texts and phone calls is very important. Having someone who shares similar goals will make you more successful. Doing things alone get's difficult at times as things get in the way with our busy schedules. I know for me even, I will say "I'll do this tomorrow," but each day I will say the same thing. With someone there by your side, you will be more likely to do what needs to be done.

With this person, you can go to the gym together, go on walks, shop for healthy foods, or even cook together. It's important to make this process fun. It will give you a reason to get up in the morning and something to look forward to. And who knows, maybe you will get a lifelong friend out of this!

Seasonal Allergies

We can't escape the seasonal allergies. Most of us experience a runny nose, sneezing, and congestion. Even though allergies can make you miserable there are things you can do to keep them under control.

With high winds, which we have been experiencing lately, try to stay indoors. If you do go outside try to avoid any activity in the morning as the pollen count increases at that time.  Also, make sure to keep all your windows and doors closed when you are at home so the wind isn't bringing all that pollen into your house. You can't get rid of all allergens in your home but it's a good idea to use the air conditioning, regularly change the filters, and use a vacuum to get out the dirt and dust. At the end of the day, take a shower and throw those clothes in the dirty laundry pile to get rid of all that pollen. 

Now if you know you are a allergy person, talk with your doctor about what you can be taking to decrease them. There are a lot of over the counter medications you may take, so next time you are at your pharmacy ask what would be the best option for you. It's important to be taking the medications consistently so they are working properly. 
