Staying Young With Turmeric

Even though aging is inevitable there are ways many ways for one to stay healthy and live a happy life. One way is by adding some turmeric to the diet. Turmeric is a spice mostly known in Indian cultures that is used for cooking or adding color to food. Over the years there has been research done that shows how turmeric can help with the aging process. 

With aging comes sagging skin and wrinkles. Over the years our skin can really be affected because of smoking, air pollution, sun exposure, alcohol, poor nutrition, or genetic factors. One thing that can help protect the skin is by consuming antioxidants. The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin which is known for having strong antioxidant activity. By adding turmeric to your diet you can help delay the aging process as well as protecting your skin from getting UV damage. 

As we get older there is a higher risk of getting cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, or heart failure. Studies show that turmeric can lower inflammation which is a cause of heart disease. Keeping the heart young means adding turmeric to your diet!

Memory loss is a big thing once we get older. Cognitive issues begin to come about and we have a chance of getting dementia, alzheimer's, or even having a stroke. One way to prevent this from happening is by having turmeric. Curcumin protects us by exerting its anti-inflammatory antioxidant as well as protecting the central nervous system. If there is damage in the brain, curcumin can repair and protect the area that was hurt. 

The list goes on and on as to what turmeric can do for our health. There are so many amazing benefits and it is necessary for aging. Make this miracle herb apart of your life by adding it to your diet today! 


Medication Safety

Medication Management Tips

  • Do research on all the medications you are taking. Know their names, dosage, how often it needs to be taken, the purpose of the medication, and the possible side effects. 
  • Make sure all your medications are in one place. If they are in different locations of your house there is a greater chance of them getting lost. It's important for them to be kept in a cool and dry place. Moisture or extreme heat can harm the drugs. 
  • Stay organized and pre-sort out your medications for the week. The easiest way to do this is getting a week long pill organizer. If you have pills you need to take multiple times a day there are organizers that come with many compartments! 
  • Make a list of all the medications, vitamins, or supplements you are taking and the times and dosages for each. Hang this paper up where you keep your medications so you can stay organized. 
  • Always make sure to check for negative drug interactions. If you are unsure about certain medications talk with your doctor. 
  • Understand the side effects of each of your medications and if you notice any changes contact your doctor right away. 
  • Always plan ahead with your medication refills. If your medication is not on automatic refill, call your pharmacy when you start getting low on your pills. You can even mark your calendar so you remember to order that refill you need. 


Oral Health 101

With aging, there's a higher chance of losing your teeth. Most people just assume that this will happen and there isn't anything that can be done. False. This is not always the case and won't be for you if you take the proper steps in taking care of your mouth. 

  • Make sure to be brushing twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night.
  • Remember to floss as well. This is extremely important because you want to get rid of all the bacteria that has been building up. If you fail to floss you are at a higher risk of tooth decay or loss. The best time to floss would be after meals or at the end of the night before you go to bed after you've eaten all your meals for the day.
  • If you wear dentures, clean them out daily. Just think of it like brushing your teeth and getting rid of all that build up. It's best to take them out each night before you go to bed.
  • Get the most fluoride that you can to protect your teeth by drinking tap water. Have a few glasses a day of just sink water as well as other bottled water that you consume.
  • It's most important to visit your dentist regularly. Every 6 months is recommended so you are able to get a full cleaning and see if there are any problems. 

Let's make your teeth last forever. A healthy mouth will make you feel so much better! 
