Wash away the germs

The best way to protect yourself from germs is washing your hands. It's quick and simple and can prevent you from getting sick and spreading germs to others. Just think, someone sneezes or coughs and touches an object. Then you touch that same object and right after touch your face. When you come in contact with those germs you are putting yourself at risk of getting sick. It's important to be aware of what you are touching and making sure you are constantly washing your hands. Before you eat it's crucial that you wash your hands because if you don't those germs are going right in your mouth. Those germs will multiply and attack your immune system. 

The hand washing method:
1.  Wet your hands with either cold or hot water and apply soap. Most people think hot water is the way to get rid of germs but cold water works just as well.
2. Rub your hands together and make sure you scrub between your fingers and under your nails as germs can be in those places. 
3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Instead of counting to 20 you can sing "Happy Birthday" twice to make sure you are washing your hands long enough.
4. Rinse your hands under the water.
5. Dry your hands with a clean towel. 

It's also a good idea to carry hand sanitizer with you. This is very convenient and a good way to get rid of the germs. Make sure to use an alcohol-based and sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. If you get anything less it won't be as effective. 
Get in the habit of washing your hands throughout the day or using saniziter as this is the best preventative measure you can take so you do not get sick.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov

Superfoods: The fight against the flu

With flu season approaching it's important to take care of your health and consider what you eat/drink as it can greatly affect you and your chances of getting sick. By eating the proper foods from ALL food groups you will be able to get the nutrients and vitamins you need to boost your immunity. Eating healthy foods will give you the upper hand in warding off infections. 

Here are some items that you can incorporate in your diet:

Yogurt can protect your body against against bad bacteria and infections as it contains a healthy amount of of good bacteria.
Garlic gets rid of any viruses, bacteria or infections in the body. It is good for the immune system and protect cells from any wear or tear.
Red Bell Peepers have a ton of Vitamin C, more than most foods. They produce antibodies and will maintain our skin so viruses can't pass through.
Green tea is something that everyone loves and it is good for us! It is rich in antioxidants and can protect us from fighting viruses. 
Pumpkins are good for the respiratory system. With Halloween approaching it's a good idea to stock up on that Vitamin A. 

Oh and don't forget to drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will boost your immune system and keep you healthy. It is recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. 

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/ColdandFluNews/story?id=6141948&page=1



Reaching a healthy weight: Lifestyle changes vs. Dieting

When thinking about losing weight what comes to mind? Dieting, right? This method either works and one is able to successfully lose weight and maintain it or it doesn't. Another method though is changing your lifestyle. Some say that changing your lifestyle is more efficient rather than going on a diet for a certain amount of time. Once someone starts dieting, they usually deprive themselves of food, loss weight, and then go back to hold habits. Going on a diet is just temporary, whereas changing your lifestyle you will be able to keep the habit for a much longer period of time. When you focus on more areas, besides just food, you will see better results. 

So what does this lifestyle include? It includes what you eat, how much caffeine you drink, how much exercise you get, how you manage stress, and much more. It's important to take into consideration all these things when trying to lose weight. For example, instead of eating less amount of food, choose foods that are rich in nutrients so you are getting enough calories. Also, try cutting out fatty foods that are high in sugar and salt. To get the best results you need to be exercising as well. Try to get in at least 30 minutes a day of exercise. You can begin with just walking and then add on activities once you feel more comfortable. 

Here are some tips to help you make positive lifestyle changes that will last...
1. Set goals for yourself: If you want to lose 30 pounds, start by losing 1-2 pounds each week. If your goals are manageable and realistic you will have a better chance of meeting those goals.
2. Involve a friend: Find someone who will keep you accountable and motivated. You could even find someone who has the same goals as you and you guys can work together in changing your behaviors. 
3. Get support: If you are feeling down or overwhelmed talk to someone about how you are feeling. Asking for help if you can't meet your goals doesn't mean your weak or you are being defeated. It shows that you are strong and committed to changing your life. 

Not all diets are bad. This strategy might work for you, but think about what will last in the future. Dieting or lifestyle changes? 

Source: http://www.apa.org/index.aspx